1st Trimester

Freaking out!

So this is my first post and I am sorry if I ramble on here..

I am 12 weeks and 2 days and had my 2nd appointment today. At my first appointment the did an ultrasound because I didn't know just how far along I was. During the ultrasound, they found that I had a "fibroid" that they just wanted to check again to make sure that it didn't get bigger/change etc. Things like that usually go away for me and today I found out that it didn't go away. It didn't get much bigger and they said they aren't worried about it yet because at this point in the pregnancy things like that are still working themselves out and can still go away. That is still not what I wanted to hear and I broke down. My husband was at work and I just kept thinking bad thought after bad thought. My doctor still didn't seem too worried about it yet and doesn't think it will have any effect on delivery. I still just wanted to hear that everything was good and that it had went away. Now that is all I am thinking about and they aren't going to check it again till my appt. at 20 weeks. That is a really long time and I just need to hear some positive stories that will put my worries at bay. Please let me know that there are a few good stories about this kind of thing to help me cheer up.

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