1st Trimester

heavy implantation bleeding or period?

Ok. I'm new to this so please be patient :). We've been off of bc since the end of March. Had normal cycles at the beginning of April and again in May. The last day of af was May 4. then on 15th I started with a very light pink spotting. I though maybe it was ib BUT the only time we were intimate was the 5th (the day after my period ended) so I ruled that out. The spotting continued and by the 19th it was slightly more heavy. We were intimate on the 20th and then on the 21st it was like a very light period. I called my dr and they suggested I take a test - it was negative. And then just told me if it wasnt better soon to call back. I finally stopped bleeding on the 28th. Then this past Wednesday (the 13th) I took a test on a whim, no symptoms and having no clue when I was suppose to get af. Plus I was cramping so I thought I should be starting any day. Well it was a bfp! I took three more the next day (all positive)  and called my dr. I got some blood work on Friday and I AM PREGNANT!!! But now Im confused as to how far along I would be. Also if the bleeding I experienced was my cycle or something to do with the pregnancy. If its related to the pregnancy should I be concerned? This is my first pregnancy and Im so worried. Any help would be great. 
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