1st Trimester

Does your mom want to live with you? Help!

I haven't announced yet as I am only just through my 7th week. I am an only child, and my mom knows my DH and I were trying for a baby, so we've talked about what will happen when I'm pregnant, when the baby comes, etc. You know, mother-daughter girl talk. I should also mention that I live in CT and my mom lives in MD, so we only see her a few times a year at this point. So, the thing that is scaring me is that she has mentioned coming to live with DH and I when we have a baby...for TWO MONTHS. We are actually going down to visit her and my step dad in about a month to tell them we're expecting, but I have no idea how to handle this when it comes up again. I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I certainly don't want her moving in for two months. I feel like she'll drive me up a wall! Has anyone else had to deal with this? How did you do it? TIA, ladies. :)
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