1st Trimester

Twin no heartbeat! Advise similar experience...

I had my 1st u/s @ 7 weeks and seen 2 heartbeats, 112 and 113 sizes 8.3 and 8.2mm. Today woke up on brown blood almost filling pantyliner. Went in to ER did hCG which was 200,000, and u/s which detected only one heartbeat. Dr said might also affect the other one with heart beat. Neither the Dr nor the u/s tech were specialized in IVF or early pregnancy or twins. I am dying to get advice from my clinic tomorrow or when they receive my message. Meanwhile I have this forum. Any advice or similar experience, please?  

p.s: will also post on multiples forum.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me: 33 DH: 34 ~ Dx: MFI ~ Wedding/TTC: 2008 2010: 3 rounds Clomid- BFNs ~ 2011: 2 IUIs BFNs Jan 2012: IVF/ICSI #1 Protocol: Gonal F, Luveris, Prometrium U/s: 50 follicles ~ Jan 19: ER, 27 oocytes, 19 fertilized, 8 embryos cryopreserved at d5+6 ~ No fresh transfer due to OHSS May 2012: FET #1 Protocol: Suprefact, ASA, Estrace, Prometrium May 14: Assisted hatching & transfer of 2 d5 AA & AB embies May 19: HPTs 4dp5dt BFP! Yaaaay! May 23: beta #1 @ 9dpt5dt 406 May 27: beta #2 @ 13dp5dt 2093 June 13: 1st u/s... ~ EDD: 30 Jan 2013! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt13b6ab.aspx" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"
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