1st Trimester

HELP!!! I'm not sure what to do!????

The reason why I posted this is because I called my current gyno with a spotting problem and the sent me to get blood work Wed and Fri last week, they called and my HCG levels are going up and that's good but she still wants me to go back Mon and possibly wed for another round of blood work. Well I had my first baby appointment for Monday and they called and cancelled it basically saying if I was having a miscarriage etc that it would be a waste of there time to start doing appointments at this point. DH and I were not very happy and I'm not sure what to do now, this is #2 for us and we never had any big issues with this office before when LO#1 was born two years ago. DH and other family members want me to start looking for another office because of the current conduct of this one. I don't know what to do HELP!!????
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