1st Trimester

Mother in-law help!!!!

I'm only 12w4days along.. It's our first baby and both grandparents first grandchild.. My husbands parents live down the street from us (20houses to be exact).. His mom has been begging for a grand baby for 2 years so of course when we told her she was thrilled.. And as soon as we told her she started talking about how she was going to buy a crib,pack n play, changing table, dresser and pant a room so a full on nursery for her house! And I told her that she didnt need at that.. That a simple pack n play would be good for her house because I only work 3 days a week and I'm taking the first year off when the babys born so it's not like she will be babysitting everyday.. Even if I did go back to work she works 2 jobs everyday so she wouldn't babysit anyways. But my main point is that after I told her not to buy anyof that yesterday she went and bought a dresser and changin table and sent me pictures and it's really just ticked me off.. When I talk to my husband about it he doesn't understand why I'm mad.. And takes her side.. First off I'm 12 weeks I think it's to early for this let alone I feel like she making this a competition between me and her.. And I honestly want to punch her in the face.. I've tried talkin to her she doesn't listen and my husband takes her side..  Help me please before I go all crazy pregnant lady on my mother in law!
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