1st Trimester

Doctor questions - kinda long

I'm sorry these are gonna be dumb questions, but here it goes... When I was pregnant with DD we were stationed on a military base and I went to a naval hospital so everything was a lot different. I didn't choose where to go, what kind of doctors to see, and when to go, the naval hospital just automatically set up everything for my entire pregnancy as soon as I got the positive pregnancy test. So now that we are back into a civilian area, I'm lost with everything.  I'm around 5.5 weeks pregnant and here are just a few of my questions.

When do I schedule my first appointment? (I was going to wait until 10 weeks, cuz i'm just not sure exactly how much can be done when i'm still not that far along. BUT I have had 3 miscarriages, so I don't know if I need to go sooner for that reason or not.  Again, I don't want to waste a doctors time if it's too soon or there is nothing they can do.

I've been having HORRIBLE migraines for the past week. Everyday. Do I go to an OB or just a regular family doctor for that? Or is that not even a concern?

Are migraines a pregnancy symptom?   My headaches were very far and few with DD, but i've been having full on migraines (bad enough to make me reeeally nauseous and want to hide in a dark room all day) with this one and I don't remember if I was told that was normal or not.

 With miscarriages in the past, we are waiting to tell family and friends until much further into the pregnancy so I can't really get answers from people I know right now.  Thanks ladies

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