1st Trimester

Two empty sacs at 8 weeks 5 days?

Hi Ladies,

My sister is on an emotional roller coaster of thretened miscarriage.  At 6.5 weeks, she was told baby measuring slightly behind, but heartbeat seen, low progesterone and given supplements.  Five days later (at 7 weeks 4 days), second ultrasound with different dr said baby same size as week before (now 2 weeks behind) no heartbeat.  Told to keep taking progesterone supplements, it might be too early for heart beat and to come back in one week.  Due to spotting, she went in yesterday to be told this time that she has two sacs which have tripled in size from last ultrasound, but dr. could see nothing in the sacs (no baby, no heart beat).  She was 8 weeks 5 days yesterday.  The nurse told her that "you never know with twins" referring to not seeing anything on the ultrasound.  Her hcg levels have continued to rise.

Has anyone had any experience with empty sacs this late with ultrasound that is not a blighted ovum or missed miscarriage?

I posted a similar question yesterday on a different board.  If you responded yesterday, thank you! We have used your input to research and form more questions for her doctor. She is also considering a second opinion. 

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