1st Trimester

Nutritionist Appt - Worth it!

I'm only 6 1/2 weeks along, but I've struggled with body image issues in the past and as I'm getting hungrier during the day and eating more, I realized I wanted to nip any anxiety as soon as possible and go through this experience postively and embrace all the changes in my body, and not put myself or my body down.

I met with a nutritionist last night and it was SO empowering! She reviewed my eating habits, but most of all, she gave me that boost of confidence that I needed - that if I just listen to my body, it will tell me what it needs. She also reviewed the standard weight-gain categories and dispelled a lot of myths about what the "right" amount of weight to gain is, and gave me a ton of ideas for things to eat for nausea, to help with cramping, and to overall feel good throughout the day. I left feeling confident and relaxed and ready to embrace whatever my body needs from me.  I thought I would just share this experience in case anyone else has considered seeing a nutritionist - for me, it was completely worth it and has uplifted my mood and my confidence in my ability to carry this baby as heathfully as possible without all the anxiety about what to eat, what not to eat, how much weight I'm gaining, etc. Really incredible experience.

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