1st Trimester

On cloud Nine, First OB appt was this morning!

I had my first ob appt this morning. They asked me LOTS of questions regarding my family's medical history. For anyone who hasn't gone to their first appt yet they ask about your siblings, parents and grandparents' medical history. Just FYI. Luckily, my mom was there and she is a nurse so she is always very helpful through any medical appointments.

I went back with OBGYN and he didn't do a pelvic exam or a pap smear because I just had one done back in April. He told me I won't get a pelvic exam or pap until post delivery.

 The OB was very kind and sweet. I like him a lot. He searched for heartbeat and to my dismay he didn't find one...after listening for a good five minutes. I was discouraged and I knew he could tell so he sent me for an ultra sound! 

I went back with the ultrasound tech and she performed a vaginal u/s on me. I saw my baby very clearly and some slight movements in his/her little bitty hands! My mom and I both cried. A few minutes later she let me hear the heartbeat for about ten seconds. It was so fast!! It was 179 and the u/s tech said that's very normal and good. She told me the baby was positioned high in the uterus which is great and that everything looks great! YAY!

 I have anxiety and I have worried myself up to this day. Walking away from my first appointment I feel excited, hopeful and GRATEFUL. I wish healthy and happy babies for all of you ladies.

I wanted to write this post to share my excitement but also to inform any ladies who haven't been to their first appt yet because I felt like I had to wait FOREVER to get mine and I had NO clue what to expect.

Blessings to all.

 Here is the first photo of my little one. 


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