1st Trimester

If you like to travel- inspirational post about traveling with our 2 young children

Hi ladies, haven't been on here in a while, but I wanted to post my blog about traveling with our two young children. When you have children, most people will tell you that you can no longer travel- you need to get a house, settle down, figure out schools etc etc

We did this for the last 4 years. We bought a house, bought our kids toys, put our son in preschool, found an elementary school for them...then we changed our lives, and realized how important traveling was to us, so last month we sold our house, sold almost everything we owned (including all our toys and baby stuff), and headed out on an incredible adventure with our 4 yr old and 10 month old.


Our 1st stop is Costa Rica. We are planning on heading to brazil next. We want to show our children the world, want them to learn about other cultures, and want to be able to be an active part of who they are and who they will become. 


We spent a long time debating if this would be right for them, to leave everything they know and go to the unknown, but they are blossoming here  

It is amazing to watch them use their imagination with sticks, rocks, seeds etc, amazing to see them interacting with the ticos (local costa ricans), and amazing to see them perfectly content and at ease in a completely new environment. 

 I wanted to post this to help inspire others that you CAN travel with kids, you can still live your dreams WITH your kids. 

If you want to follow our journey, check out our blog:

[edited by mod - do not spam the boards to make money off your blog]


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