Babies on the Brain


Hello, I am new here and I need a little advice :) I have been with my husband for 8 years, married for 1 (DH is 32 and I am 27). I have the worst baby fever and want to be pregnant yesterday, lol. We have had some serious conversations about it and now I am terrified.

The problem we are struggling with is we have recently moved into his moms townhouse to help her cope with losing her partner and to help with bills. We have a good set up on the bottom floor that works for DH and I but it is one room (we have it split to have 1/2 bedroom 1/2 living room with room to spare). We are planning on staying here for a little while because financially it makes sense, we are helping MIL and it helps us pay our debt off. DH is planning on attending Law school next year and says he would like to have baby before he starts so he doesn't have to worry so much about me going into labor while he is in class.

But I'm having a hard time deciding if it will be the right thing for us. Ideally I don't want to have a baby while living with a parent (I feel as though they will take over and I have a hard time standing up for myself when it comes to parents). And last, I don't want it to fully take over our relationship since we will still only be in that one room plus is it really fair to baby too? At the same time, I don't want to wait. Any advice is appreciated! TIA

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