Babies on the Brain

Gross last night, funny this morning.

Genevieve has been sick with an ear infection general cold ickiness, but last night she took it to a whole new level.  She started gagging on her secretions in her sleep so I picked her up and the next thing I knew she was throwing up everywhere with in a 3 foot radius all over me, my bed, her crib, herself, all the bedding, etc...  It just projectiled out.  I swear it was like a gallon of fluid, I don't know how she fit it all in her little 13 month old stomach.

Jacqueline grabbed my cell phone and called my mom (who lives around the corner) and told her frantically "We need help! There is throw-up everywhere!"  The look on her face was priceless, as I sat there in the wet sticky mess not sure what to do first.

Thankfully, my mom cleaned up Genevieve and got her back to sleep while I spent an hour cleaning, doing laundry, taking a shower, and changing all the sheets. I didn't get to bed until almost midnight.

Oh, the joys of motherhood.  MH was super glad he was still at work. 

m/c 1.13.13 @ 9 weeks m/c 11.11.12 @ 5w2d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Mysterious_wife: "And for the love of all things that sparkle, remove your last name" on BOTB.
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