Babies on the Brain

Culture Shock

So, even though I am American, and lived here for 25 years before I moved to Germany, coming back here is always a bit of a culture shock.  I did live over there for 5 years.  Here is a short list of some of the things that always get me. 

1. Being able to pay for gas at the pump.  Gas in Germany is about $6 a gallon, so the US has an agreement that we get a certain amount of liters a month at an average of American gas prices.  So we have to carry a gas card that keeps track of how much gas we have left for the month.  For my truck, I had a ration of 600 liters.  Coffee, hard liqour and tobacco are also rationed.

2.  Stores giving you bags to carry your stuff out.  German stores expect you to bring baskets or your own bags for your purchases.  Or they will charge you for each bag they provide.

3.  Traffic lights being on the opposite side of the intersection.  German traffic lights are on the same side of the intersection, so you have to look out your side window to see them.

4. Toilet flush levers.  Germans have buttons, and are generally in the wall.  You cannot see the tank of most European toilets, they are inside the wall.

5. Bathroom light switches inside the bathroom.  Generally, in Germany they are outside the bathroom, so you can turn the light on before you walk in.

6. Having that strange feeling when you are walking through a crowded area, and realize its becuase you can understand everything everyone is saying.  After spending so long there, I should be fluent in German.  I am not.  The area I living in was pretty Americanized, so just about everyone spoke at least a little english.

7. The freeway speed limits here are so much slower!  Contrary to popular beliefs, most sections of the autobahn has a speed limit.  It is 130 kmh, about 80mph.  Thats how fast the slower cars drive.  Here, the speed limit of 65 feels like I am going no where fast lol.  I forsee speeding tickets in my future until I remember to slow down.

8. Tipping.  In Germany, you are not supposed to tip servers.  They consider it flaunting your wealth.  An acceptable amount if you really want to, is to round up to the next dollar.  I have walked out of restaurants and a spa once and totally forgot to tip because I never do it in Germany.

This is all I can think of right now lol, my brain is a little fried.  Good for you if anyone makes it through this post! lol

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