Babies on the Brain

Opinions Please?

Hey everybody,

I'm new here and just wanted as much different input as I could get while I still can.

I am 23 years old, DF is 25 and will be 26 towards the end of this year. We have been together for almost 3 years now, and we are planning on getting married this August.

I have no children currently, but DF has a 6 year old son that I love dearly (he does not live with us full-time).

DF and I have a GREAT relationship, he's my soul mate and my best friend. We love each other dearly.

Lately we've been talking so much about having a baby. We've both wanted one for awhile, but we wanted to do things right like put in some time and figure out if this relationship was real and also get married.

I know that I am still young, and sometimes it concerns me because I hear so many people in my ear telling me I'm too young and to wait and it's not worth throwing my life away over just yet.

I also hear things such as how mine and DF's relationship will never be the same, no more alone time, lack of sex, more arguments, more stress, etc. - THESE THINGS FRIGHTEN ME HORRIBLY! I never want to imagine us breaking apart, I only want us to get stronger!

We both want to have children while we have the energy that we do now, and we want to be around for as long as we can for our children. I've also LOVED and wanted children since as long as I can remember. My baby fever right now is OUT OF CONTROL! & it doesn't help that his is just as bad!

We are stable, have our own place, make money, know what we want in life, motivated individuals. I know we'd make great parents.

Just wanted some advice from anyone who's going through this or has been through this? Should we wait? Is it really as bad as they say? Will our relationship stay alive?

Any other input is appreciated!
Thank you!
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