Babies on the Brain

Belly button rings

I had mine pierced in 2004 in college. I still have it in, but I lost one of the balls the other day. It's a corkscrew rather than a banana ring, so it's staying in okay. I can't decide if I should get a replacement ball or just take it out. It's not like anyone ever sees it, but I sort of like having it there. OTOH, I am 28. Perhaps it's time to ditch it.


imageimage 318/13,000=2.5% Started TTC in June 2008. Took a few breaks here and there. We started TTC again in Jan 2012. TTC #1, Cycle 33.
My Knitting Blog Bio Experiments With Running
I've given up charting but here's the link anyway.
Bonafide thread killah
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