3rd Trimester

MIL telling me what I am going to do.

So I dont get along very well with MIL, she's pushy and bossy and loves to play the victim card.

At my shower she got me letter blocks of LO's name, and told me, in front of everyone, that we were going to decorate them together and then use them for decor in LO's room.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she had good intentions, but I don't really like being told by anyone that I am going to do something, much less being told that I am going to use something to decorate my LO's room. This is my first child, and I will decorate her room the way that I want to. Plus, DH and I had already picked out the exact same blocks to use, and then I made a banner of LO's name instead and we ended up using that intsead of the blocks. MIL didn't know any of this and I of course didn't say anything at the shower, I just thanked her for the blocks and figured it would be dropped.

Well DH and I ordered a carseat cover and it came in the mail today and I really didn't like the design of it, so I got some different fabric and was just going to cover the original fabric.

I told DH that I needed to get this done and that I was going to ask my Mom. However, MIL is a seamstress and DH said it would make more sense to have her do it, and it would allow MIL to feel involved with LO, as my Mom has been very involved thus far in the pregnancy.

So DH calls MIL and asks if she would want to sew the new fabric on the carseat cover and asked if he could just drop it off at her house. MIL says, "Well wbrauns still needs to decorate the name blocks I got with me, so I will just come to your house and do that with her, and sew the cover while I'm there." DH agrees and asks what day works best for her, she says this Friday.

I do in-home daycare and I have kids untill 7:15 on Friday, so I tell DH that this will not work for me. DH tells MIL and she doesn't understand why me having kids at the house will interfere with her being here.

Lol, umm because I can't sit down with you and decorate blocks while I am supposed to be babysitting can I? (DH works nights so it's not like he could be here to entertain MIL until kids are gone.)

She grudgingly (spelling?) agrees to come on Saturday instead.

Ugh I am just dreading her coming at all. I don't want to decorate the blocks with her, and I know it's not a big deal to sit down and decorate some name blocks that MIL bought, but it just irks me that she told me that I am going to do it with her, rather than asking. She also doesn't know that I am not planning on hanging them on LO's wall, so we will see how she takes that as well.

Again, it was a nice gesture of her to get the name blocks, and as I said, we even picked out the same one! And if she would have said something like, "I would love to get together some time with you and decorate these if you would like!" That would be one thing, but when she tells me that I am going to do it, it just rubs me the wrong way.

Maybe I'm being hormonal, but I just hate being told what I am going to do. Especially when it comes to LO.

I will probably say something like, "MIL, I will decorate these blocks with you, but next time I would prefer that you ask me, instead of tell me." but it's too bad I even have to say this.

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