1st Trimester

can progesterone mask mc signs?

I had an incident of spotting at 5 weeks so when I went in to my 1st appointment last week they gave me an us and also checked my progesterone levels.  The us was unexpected and awesome--baby looked good, heartbeat was visible and also you could hear it.  But progesterone was low--9.2.  I am on suppositories now.  

I have started feeling kind of down, like maybe I am not pg anymore.  I have had no spotting and I still feel some symptoms (sore breasts, morning sickness).  But I am obsessing that these symptoms are from the progesterone supplement and that the progesterone is also making me not bleed or spot even if I would normally.  

Here is my question:  can progesterone mask signs of a miscarriage?  And for how long?   I wish I just knew for sure things were still ok!!

ectopic: 3/1998. mc at 6 weeks: 4/2001. ds1 born: 6/7/2002. ds2 born: 10/4/2004. mmc at 11 1/2 weeks: 5/24/12.
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