1st Trimester

HCG Numbers

Hi Ladies- This is my 3rd pregnancy and I lost the first one.  I have a happy healthy 5yr old and found out I was expecting again on 4/27 (Friday).  Last time they had me get on Progesterone right away and of course my son was fine.  This time they wanted to check all my levels first.  I just got the call and I don't know whether it's OK or if I should be prepared for a miscarriage.  I've never had HCG numbers done before even with my first miscarriage so I have no idea how my body responds.

 Monday's level was 167 and Wednesdays was 318.  Doubling would have been 334.  They said they weren't really that worried about it because it can take 72 hours to double but they do want me to do an ultrasound on May 14th.

My progesterone was 5.4 and they want it 10 or above so I start 200mg a night tonight.

What are your thoughts?  I would rather be prepared for a miscarriage than think it's fine and then it end.  But I feel like the numbers aren't THAT bad so maybe I'm OK.

 I'm 5wks today. 

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