1st Trimester

How often are you eating? (prevent gagging)

I realize that I am very lucky in that I am not barfing. However, I get to gag and dry heave every two hours. I feel great when I wake up, but by 9:00 I'm looking for my second breakfast. I'm finding that when I eat, I'm good for a while. But, I'm getting tired of chewing.

Is anyone else eating every 1.5 - 2 hours and is it helping with your morning sickness?

Diagnosis of Dimished Ovarian Reserve- FSH> 12
First Dr said I didn't have a chance- Dumped him!
New RE Love her! A positive outlook makes all the difference!
IVF #1 12/10/11 ER 12/14/11 BFP Beta 13dpt =56 Beta #2= 36 CP
dabbling in IUI while we save for IVF Round 2
IUI #1 Feb 2012 follistim/femara = BFN

IUI #2 March 2012 Follistim/ Femara = BFP!!! Beta #1 @14dpiui = 168.5 Beta #2 1,159.4 Beta #3 16,273
Ultrasound 4/18/12- Heard Heartbeat - 115 Ultrasound #2 at 8 weeks, heartbeat 150. Second sac found vanishing twin

Healthy Baby Boy Born 12/10/12!!!

BabyFetus Ticker
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