1st Trimester


Hello 1st Trimesters,

 So I've been somewhat of a mess lately. Here's some background:

I'm 6 weeks 3 days if I go by my last period but my u/s shows that I am probably more like 5 weeks 5 days. I have had endo forever and am no stranger to cramps and pain. However, since I got my BFP, I have had horrible cramping day and night. Then, around 5 weeks I started spotting- brownish pink at first and then red blood. Went in to doc because she was concerned. They saw a sac but no heartbeat yet (I am apparently just too early for that). They also saw a cyst on my left ovary that's leaking free fluids. The u/s tech said that the spotting was most likely from the cyst, so I wasn;t worried anymore. The doc gave me tylenol with codeine for the pain and they scheduled me to come back in two weeks.

A day later I was sitting on the couch and had horrible pain. I ran up to the bathroom and sure enough, I was bleeding- enough to make the toilet water red and I had some clots. I was sure I was miscarrying. The bleeding and pain stopped after about 20 minutes and I called the doc who said to go to the ER.

At the ER they did a pelivc exam which showed my cervix being closed. The doc also said she could not find the source of the bleeding. They also did a sono/u/s and found the same cyst and we saw the sac, just like the morning before at my doc. She said she did see hints of a UTI in my urine sample, and gave me antibiotics for it. Basically I was given the dx of a "threatened miscarriage" and was sent home. My doctor then put me on bedrest until today.

Today I am having red spotting again and I did have cramps all night. I had another blood test yesterday to measure my Hcg levels- but do not have results yet. I am preparing myself for the worst but I am just baffled by all this. I would be grateful for any thoughts or insights. 'Kind of driving myself crazy here...

Surgically Unconfirmed Endometriosis since age 14 TTC Since Jan. 2012 ***BFP 4/2012 @ 15 DPO*** HcG doubling until around 5.5 weeks and then slow rising Large Complex Corpus Luteal Cyst on left ovary Severe Cramping/Bleeding from 6 weeks on HB 140 and Wiggler on 4D U/S @ 8 weeks No HB on May 26,2012 @ 9.5 weeks, D&C on May 29,2012 @ 10 weeks ***BFP #2 7/30/2012 @ 12 DPO*** Severe Cramps, Started baby aspirin and progesterone cream @ 5.5 weeks, No more cramps! U/S @ 7w2d HB 133 U/S @ 8w6d HB 178 U/S @ 11w2d HB 168 EDD April 9th:) ~Hoping this one will stick around for the long haul- cautiously optimistic~ Pregnancy Ticker
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