1st Trimester

Is anyone else totally freaking out about money? (VENT)

I had a total meltdown last night. :(

 Adding the baby to my insurance is going to cost an extra 600+ a month.  My boss has previously told me that if/when I added a baby to the policy he would still only cover 50% of MY portion of the policy, so this will all be out of pocket for me.  

 Meanwhile, my husband currently works in a basically dead-end job, so he does not make enough to help cover the increase.  I asked him last night to start looking for better opportunities, which was a long and stressful conversation.  He agreed at the end, but it was just a really emotional conversation. 

Now I just feel terrified and stressed that we aren't going to be able to pull this off.  Is anyone else feeling this way?

12 weeks 1 day - FIST PUMP!
imagePregnancy Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
BFP #1 EDD 12.18.12 - Missed M/C at 9w3d D&C 5.22.12
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