1st Trimester

Holy Guacamole!

Hey Ladies!!! I think I belong over here now!! After 2+ Years of IF, we got a surprise BFP today!! I am cautiously coming over, but I am SOOOO excited to get to know all of you.  This is my first pregnancy EVER, so I am hoping, praying and wishing on every star that everything goes as it should.  Thanks!
TTC #1 since 02/2010
Cycle #26
Me (30) DH (29)
Internal Ultrasound 2/8/12: Fibroids
HSG 2/17/12: Tech said Blocked but RE said Clear
DH SA 2/15/12: low sperm count 8 mil, 3/21/12: 1.5 mil
SHG 3/16/12: perfect!
BFP 5/2/12!
imageBabyFruit Ticker
EDD 01/07/13
Beta #1 5/3-1,628
Beta #2 5/7- 5,804
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