1st Trimester

Not sure what to think :(

So I went in for my first u/s this afternoon. The u/s tech was not the most friendly person ever. So they did an abdominal u/s and were able to visualize my uterus and the gestational sac. But they said that it was really small? I have to go back in two weeks to have a repeat to see where I'm at. I was very nervous leaving the office Hopeful but nervous. I got home, ate dinner, and then took a shower. And before I got in the shower there was some slightly pinkish brown disharge and some blood streaked mucus (sorry, tmi). I'm a wreck. Probably because I'm tired and hormonal, tripled and quadrupled by the u/s and then the wiping incident. I need some uplifting stories or others to tell me about what they went through earlier in the process. I'm just sad, and tired, and stressed. Thanks in advance ladies...I just keep looking at the u/s picture of my little bean. I hope he/she sticks around :/
BFP #1 on 4/15/12. Natural MC on 5/3/12 at 6w. BFP #2 on 7/8/12. EDD 3/13/13 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers BabyFetus Ticker
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