1st Trimester

confused and not appreciating the nurse's attitude :(

Hi everyone,

I'm happy to be here! Here's a little back story...

 I am 33, received first BFP on 12/26/2011, M/C on 01/05/2012. 

Since then, cycle was semi-normal - AF came 33 days post M/C and then again 29 days later with some spotting in between. 

First day of last period was 03/07. No AF at all in April, with probably 10 HPTs throughout the month, all BFN.

 Then yesterday, I decided to take another HPT completely at random just because I'd been feeling more tired lately and to my complete shock I got a BFP!  

 So I call my doc to make an appt and tell them I'm supposed to come in earlier than usual due to my previous M/C per my doc's orders. So I'm trying to explain that to the receptionists and nurse, and explain that I don't really know my due date due to my M/C, missing AF last month but several BFNs. All in all, the 3 people I had to talk to just to make a little appt didn't sound all to happy with me... ?? Ugh. 

 Anyway, has anyone ever experienced the same thing -  missing AF the previous month and then getting a BFP the next?  How far along were you? TIA

BFP #1 12/26/2011 -- EDD 09/02/2012 -- M/C 01/05/2012

BFP #2 05/01/2012 -- EDD 01/07/2013

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