1st Trimester

Frustrated with health care provider...

Maybe this is the hormones talking but I am getting frustrated with my health care provider. I had a doctor I liked, but now that I am pregnant I can't seem to get anyone to help me. I scheduled my first OBGYN appointment for May 24th. I will be 8 weeks which is the earliest they could get me in(they usually get people in at 6 weeks). Now I am trying to have my doctor do blood work to confirm that my levels are doubling and she doesn't understand why I want that and the OBGYN won't do any test until my appointment. It is like being in no mans land.

I had one blood work done at 3weeks6days level 240hcg. I guess this is going to have to be good enough until I can get into the OBGYN. Thanks for listening to my rant...

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