Babies on the Brain

How do you feel about gender selection?

I went to my state's board and someone had asked this question and said this:

"I would definitely have a baby if I could be guaranteed it would be a boy...."

Several people commented that they wouldn't do it but didn't really see anything wrong with it.  I am a little shocked at the responses. I think its wrong.  Where do we draw the line?  If we can select a particular gender then why wouldn't we select particular characteristics as well such as eye and hair color, height, intelligence level, talents, etc.  Its that whole "designer" kids mentality.  I just feel those things should not be messed with.  What's amazing about the world is the many different types of people we have.  If we start messing with that I feel like we could all be almost clones of each other or it would be like the movie Gattaca.

What do you guys think?  Would you ever do it? Why or why not?

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