Babies on the Brain

Pregnant Matron of Honor?

My husband and I have been planning on starting a family this August (after a big last hurrah trip to the West Coast). After we had set August as the big lets-start-trying-for-babies month, two of our good friends got engaged and asked us to be in their weddings. I am the Matron of Honor on a June 1, 2013 wedding and my husband is the Best Man in a wedding on May 17, 2013.

Should we alter our plans and risk a May/June due date?? Or hold off for two more months before starting to try? Although we've been married for almost three years, we've been dating since high school and cannot wait to start our family together... for the past year+ it's been pushed back for reason after reason and I'm starting to wonder if there's ever a "perfect" time to be preganant.

He wants to move forward with our plans and start trying in August, but he's not the one that could potentially be 8-9 months pregnant IN a wedding..

I'm on the fence. The bride has been my best friend since we were in elementary school... I'd hate to let her down.

Suggestions?? Anyone been here before??

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