1st Trimester

low betas :( need you prayers!

Got my BFP last friday the 17th (used a digital coz the line was very faint), same day beta was 31, nurse said its positive but low.. I think it was 9-10DPO (using OPKs and charting CM as period is irregular so cannot use LMP which was end of Feb).

3 days later (yesterday) beta is 54, nurse was expecting it to double (60-70).. I'm going in again on thursday.. but im very worried! i know if it doesn't stick it's only because it is not as healthy as it should be and i know there is nothing I can do about it...yet im feeling very down!

So far i'm cramping but nothing very painful, a little backache every now and then and brown spotting on and off...

Appreciate your peayers and support Smile


The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible !! imageimageimage TTC#1 :) BFP#1 4/27/12,MC 5/4/12 @ 5 weeks :(
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