1st Trimester

2nd u/s and changed due date

I had my 2nd u/s today and I went in knowing my date would potentially be changed. At first u/s OB said baby looked a little small- more like 5ish weeks when I thought I was 7, but he wasn't worried cause we saw the hb... so today he did an abdominal u/s and it didn't take him long to find baby! Moving around and a strong heartbeat! Big Smile He measured, and instead of 11w2d, he got 10w0d. So my due date was moved back 8 days from Nov. 19 to Nov. 27. I can handle that :) I was just glad there was appropriate growth, and a great heartbeat! First u/s, baby looked like a dot. This time, like a blob... hopefully next time (on June 7th) we can actually see some features!! :D Hope you are all doing well! Just wanted to share!
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