1st Trimester

Mixed Emotions...

Hi Ladies,

Is anyone else have mixed emotions about their pregnancy?  I mean, of course I'm happy, but I have just been so run-down, nauseas and exhausted, I am feeling so blah.  I want to be totally excited and happy because we're having number two, but now I'm thinking, oh my god, how are we going to do this again now that we have a toddler.  Why wasn't I worried or concerned about this while we were TTC for a couple months?  Was I crazy?  Did I have blinders on?  My DS will be exactly 2 and 1 month when little one is due.... how will I have enough time or energy for him?  I am feeling so guilty and scared when I should be feeling happy.  I haven't even told my family yet, which is NOT like me.... Anyone else feeling these mixed emotions? 

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