1st Trimester

Surprise pregnancy

My period was MIA, so I took a pregnancy test this morning fully expecting it to be negative, just a confirmation that my period was on the way, but instead it's positive. I'm stunned. DH and I occasionally talk about having a second child, maybe in a couple of years, but most of the time when we talk about our future, DS is clearly an only child.

DS was planned, and I just feel so unprepared for this baby. My weight isn't healthy. We live in a two bedroom apartment. I just graduated with my second masters, and I'm job hunting. Now we need to move somewhere bigger, which means paying more money, and instead of getting a job, and us saving a nice down payment for a house over the next couple of years, I'll be staying home for two or three more years.

I'm dreading telling DH. You want to be happy with this type of news, but I don't and I don't think DH will. This was our first month preventing with NFP, I feel like such an idiot.

I guess I should call the consignment store and see if my cloth diaper stash has been sold yet. 

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