Babies on the Brain

Appropriate Car for a New Mom?

Okay, you more experienced mothers, I need your advice! My olllllld 2001 car is on its last legs, and my husband and I plan to replace it this summer; however, I am torn about what to buy. We plan to start trying for our first baby in just a couple of months. Part of me really wants to buy an SUV, because I feel like I'll want one once I have kids. The problem is that I currently have a somewhat long commute (I drive about 50 miles a day), and I plan to stay at this job for at least another year.

 Real moms, weigh-in. If I buy a sensible, full-sized sedan (my husband is pointing me towards an Accord), how quickly will I grow out of it? If all goes according to plan, I will have my first child in about a year, give or take a few months, and plan to have another child within the next couple of years. I don't want to spend more than necessary on gas for the next year, but I don't want to have to turn around and buy ANOTHER new car two or three years from now. I have gone back and forth between just getting a car, getting a smaller-sized SUV that gets DECENT mileage (perhaps the new Ford Escape?), or even looking at a hybrid SUV... but they are so expensive! Weigh in! What should I do?? 



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