Babies on the Brain

could I be?

I've never posted on the Bump before, right now I am normally over on the Knot, but thought you ladies may be able to help me out!

So I went off BC in January. My first cycle after was 35 days, my second was 28. This month I am currently at day 35 with no period. I took a pregnancy test on Friday and it was negative.
We aren't really trying, but we arent not trying either. Originally we were planning to actively try this month, but only really tried one time (the day before I was scheduled to ovulate). Then we changed our minds, and just avoided having sex that week.
We are getting married this Saturday. So I dont know if I'm am just late because of stress with wedding planning, if it is because my cycle hasn't evened out yet, or could it have been a false negative.

Any suggestions? Should I wait a couple days and take another test? How common are false negatives?


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