1st Trimester

possible loss...is this for real?

I called my OB's office today because of my ongoing spotting and my cramps and backache I've had.  The backache/cramps are intermittment and the spotting is more the norm.  I get it mostly when having a BM it seems but it comes and goes at other times too.

 So I am telling the nurse all this and she says well just so you know it sounds like you are having a miscarriage.  So matter of fact.  No emotion.  Just like she was telling me, just so you know it's raining outside.  I am waiting for a call back to see who can see me and when but after this I think I may be researching new doctors.  Maybe I'm a tad emotional but I just coudln't believe she said that.

 Please send some T&P my way!

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