1st Trimester

Teen mom - 5 weeks

I'm 19 and just found out i was pregnant last week. I just finished my first year of college and started a new (but min.wage job). The father is a guy that I have been seeing for only about a month. For me this is an embarrassing situation because people have very high expectations for me... I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, although I love kids, and I KNOW i would be a wonderful mother. My financial situation isn't exactly good right now due to the fact that i'm in college. I would od anything to have kids and my gut is telling me to keep the baby but the timing isn't ideal... my family is being somewhat supportive but think that I'm not in a good situation to have a child. I just need some supportive words from mothers that have been in a similar situation and maybe some words of wisdom to help me make my decision ....
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