1st Trimester

Anyone 5 weeks?

Just wanted to say hi. This is my first pregnancy. I am currently 5 weeks. I am so excited but super nervous too. I dont have my first appt with my ob until I am 8 weeks. It seems like its going to be the longest wait ever. It doesnt help that I am an RN in a NICU (neonatal intesive care unit), but I am trying to remember that my job deals with a very small percentile of infants.

I dont really have any symptoms asside from sore boobs every now and then, a little cramping here and there, and just today my stomach started feeling a little weird after I ate.

Just wanted to see if anyone out there that is also 5 weeks is feeling the same way.

First pregnancy ended in MMC. Found out @ 8 week appt on 5/21/12 babe had stopped growing @ 6 weeks.
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