Babies on the Brain

BC options?

Hey ladies...I know I haven't posted here too often, but I'm in need of some insight/advice.


I'm currently on Paraguard (copper IUD) and it was working great until December-ish, when my period's started coming 2-3 weeks apart. I lost all signs of PMS so I was completely in the dark as to when it would show up.

I have an appointment on Wednesday to have the Paraguard taken out. Originally I was going to have the Mirena inserted but I've been ready TTC #2 for a while. DH is warming up to the idea, but he hasn't said "yes" yet.

 If DH still isn't on board on Weds for #2, I need to go on something for BC...I'm horrible at remembering to take the pill. I got KU while on Nuvaring and I don't trust the patch. Can you guys offer insight as to what you're on or what you know of that works?

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