1st Trimester

Help....What would you do??

So here's my dilemma. My DH and I got our BFP a week ago. We're only 5 weeks right now so you all know I'm not out of the danger zone by any means. I

We agreed to tell our parents and closest friends since everyone has been pretty involved with our TTC process.

Here's my problem. We agreed to wait until at least 8-10weeks before telling people but our news is already spreading like wild fire! My 5 year old daughter went to school on Friday and was so excited she told her entire class and teachers. I think its cute she's so excited about this but fact is....I'm friends on FB with some of the parents and teachers. Whats worse! I woke up this morning to my MIL gleaming on her FB status about being a grandma again. Announcing our news to the world!!!! Now its out there! I don't know what to do. I'm glad people are happy for us....but we're only 5wks! You all know we're not out of the danger zone yet and I'm nervous this is getting around like wildfire.

 What should I do? Is there anything I can do???

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