1st Trimester

Vomiting and diarrhea [TMI]

Last night before bed, I started feeling rather nauseated and had lots of "rumbling" in my stomach/intestines. I went to bed early but was soon up running to the bathroom. I vomited hard-core five or six times, took a shower, got back in bed...rinse and repeat 5 times over the night. I finally also started letting go of some major diarrhea.

Made my husband run to 7-11 to get me some ginger ale because I was dying of thirst and it was the only thing I felt I could drink. Once I had that to sip on, I stopped vomiting, but this morning, I still feel queasy.

At one point I was so cold that I had one my thick bathrobe, a sheet, two blankets, and a comforter, so I assume I probably had a light fever.

I am wondering if I have somehow managed to contract listeria...I guess I will see if this clears up and is just a stomach bug, but I can't help but worry. 


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