1st Trimester

For anyone that's spotting - positive post :)

I promised myself I would post a positive spotting outcome story for all your early pg ladies and I keep forgetting to do it. I began spotting at 6w2d and it continued but I am almost 26 weeks now. None of my previously pregnant friends or family had ever spotted. This led me to absolutely freak out and spend too much time online looking up spotting causes and outcomes. For every 5 bad posts or articles I'd find maybe one positive post!!!

All pregnancies are different and this doesn't mean my spotting and yours has the same cause or will have the same outcome but why not read something positive if you are currently going through this?

I have spotted every color from tan, to light brown, dark drown, almost black, pink, bright red - you name it. I spotted at 6w2d (very light brown), 7w4d (this was my heaviest and scariest time - I was certain I was miscarrying, started light brown, went darker and even turned red), 11w (bright red), 18w5d (light brown) and 23w2d (light brown). I also had some cramping which didn't help me from thinking the worse. I had low cramps on and off my first tri and did start to have round ligament pain in first tri.

My spotting was caused by a low lying placenta. It was hard to determine this and it didn't accurately get diagnosed until I had an emergency u/s at 23w2d (I'd already had 4 u/s at this point). There can be many different reasons why women spot. Sometimes things don't work out but I just want to let any of you newly pg mamas that are going through this that it doesn't have to mean the worse. I will be 26 weeks along on Monday.

My words of advice... if you are spotting call your doctor. If they are reluctant to see you push for a visit. It is worth the peace of mind to know either way what is going on. Stress is terrible for you and your baby. If you are spotting try take it easy. Lie down if you are at home and make sure to be off your feet at least if you are at work. Remember that it can take a few days to pass whatever needs to come out so you may spot for a week or so. Check the toilet and tissue after every time you go to the bathroom so you know when this is happening. Some people disagree with this - but I recommend getting a Doppler for home use if you continue to spot after 11weeks or so. My doctor recommended this to me and it helped calm my nerves between appointments in the early going when you can't feel your baby move yet.

I didn't want to go all TMI on the board or write novel (but I did anyway!) but feel free to private message me or ask me questions if you'd like. Good luck to you all and congratulations!

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