1st Trimester

PCOS and Metformin

Hi ladies, I normally do not post here but I thought that some of you would be the best to ask!  I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and was placed on Metformin.  I was just wondering if those of you who got a BFP with PCOS and MEtformin how long did it take once beginning the Metformin and was there anything else that you did differently when you got your BFP (by that I mean any other dr advice, meds, etc)  My doctor told me if I am not pregnant in 3 months that he will consider putting me on clomid which I would REALLY like to avoid if at all possible!  TIA for any insight any of you may have!
imageimage TTC#1 Since 10/2011 Dx PCOS 3/2012- started on 1500mg Metformin
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