3rd Trimester

MIL Drama (NBR)

So my little brother who is 17 was diagnosed with cancer last spring. He has melanoma which my grandmother died of. He has undergone surgery to have the cancer removed and although his scans are showing up "clear" there is a 50/50 chance that some of the cancer cells leaked into his blood stream and are not showing up on the scans, if they have in fact leaked into his blood stream, the cancer will be fatal as there is nothing they can do to treat it.

If the cancer has not leaked into his bloodstream, he still has a 50/50 chance that the cancer will return, and if it does, it is also fatal. So although right now he all of his scans are showing up cancer free, he still wont be considered cancer free for another two years, and has to have daily chemotheraply treatments given to him by my parents at their house through a tube that is in his arm. So anyways..

MIL's husband, (DH's stepdad) was also recently diagnosed with cancer, but they caught it at a very early stage and it is 100% treatable and considered a very low risk cancer. (don't get me wrong, I know that all cancer is horrible! But his outcome was considered very lucky) When MIL was talking to me about it I told her how incredibly sorry I was and that it was/is going to be a hard road ahead but they would get through it. She responded by saying, "You have no idea what it is like to have someone you love have cancer, and you have no idea how hard this is going to be."

I couldn't believe it. She knows that my brother has cancer, and she also knows that his is potentially fatal, AND that our grandmother died of the same thing. And she has the nerve to tell me that I don't know what it is like?

Her husband does not even have to undergo radiation/chemotherapy, they are doing a surgery on him and that is going to be the end of it, (as long as everything goes as planned) and I have sat at my parents house on multiple occasions and had to watch and as they gave my little brother chemotherapy that made him violently sick and also made his hair fall out, and I have no idea what it is like?

I know she is just stressed right now and has a lot going on, but seriously? Who says that!

She also was present when DH and I were packing up our old house to move, we had a lot of family and friends over to help and I was about 18 weeks along, it was a very long and stressfull day and I was exhausted, at the end of the day she cornered my Mom and said to her, "I'm not sure what is your daughters problem but when I was pregnant I embraced it, if she keeps up this attitude my son is going to leave her."

My Mom looked her right in the eye and said, "If your Son wants to leave my daughter when she is four months pregnant than he is a POS and my daughter is better of without him anyway, and goodluck ever seeing your grandchild." Haha, that shut MIL up really quick.

And let me point out that DH has been very supportive this entire pregnancy and I have no idea how MIL even got that idea in her head, other than the fact that her husband left her and I don't think she ever recovered from it, so to make herself feel better she says other men are going to leave their wives too. I've heard her say it about quite a few women.

Lol I just don't understand what makes grown women act this way. I swear if I ever have sons I will NEVER treat their future wives this way!

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