3rd Trimester

Weird solution that helped me sleep through the night!

For quite a few weeks I could not sleep through the night. I was tossing and turning and getting up almost every two hours to go to the bathroom. DH works second shift so he doesn't come to bed until almost midnight or later, one night I decided to sleep on "his side" of the bed and for some reason I slept all night long! I thought it was just a one time occurance but since then I have been sleeping on his side everynight and I have been sleeping so much better!

I still have to get up to go to the bathroom, but now I only get up 1-2 times a night, I have no idea why this has helped, because it's not like one side of our bed is more "broken in" than the other, we just got the mattress brand new a few weeks ago! So I really have no idea why it has any affect on me, all that I know is that I am appreciating a full nights sleep!

Anyone else have weird solutions to their sleep problems?

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