2nd Trimester

Totally irrational crying

So tonight my DH asks if he can have half of the ice cream that is left (small container of my flavor).  I say yes and ask that he give me the other half.  While he was getting it in bowls I asked when the time is that I can want ice cream and he'll go out and get it for me.  He gave me my ice cream, took a bite of his and gave me the rest of his.  Then he goes around looking for something else to eat.  I asked him to please take his ice cream back because he was making me feel bad.  He wouldn't and I started crying...hard.  He was half laughing, half concerned that I was crying over ice cream.  All the sudden he says...this is the dumbest conversation we've ever had.  Still laughing.  It's at this point that I start crying hysterically and telling him that I'm upset that he wouldn't eat the ice cream.  He assured me he was happy with his cereal and to eat the ice cream before it melted.

Once I calmed down I ate the ice cream and told him that this is only going to get worse.

OMG.  I've never cried over ice cream before. 

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