2nd Trimester

Each day is never the same..

Yesterday I felt more energetic and then crapped out in the evening around 8pm.

Last night I had a case of the itchies which happens from time to time, and I took a benadryl--I really didn't want to take it but I was miserable and couldn't sleep..I woke up today completely exhausted--Benadryl hangover I'm sure--and cannot wake up today..And my coworker has called out the past three days and I volunteered to work later tonight..I'm doing a 10.5 hour day with an hour lunch but OMG I could cry thinking of the long day ahead of me..Back hurts..I did some yoga stretches in a conference room..drinking water..trying to stay awake..

Just had to vent..Thanks for listening..and please share your exhaustion stories if you have any..sux working f/t and being pregnant..who made up this rule?? LOL..

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