2nd Trimester

Anyone else have nosebleed?

Hi Ladies, 

This morning I was on the treadmill ( which is my usual routine every morning) a walk on the treadmill. So this morning I was nearing the end of the walk and my nose started to bleed. I was surprised because I rarely ever get nosebleeds. 

My first thought was to make sure my blood pressure was fine because I had pre-e with our first baby. My blood pressure was 106/55. My heartrate 73. That was right after the treadmill seconds of getting off.

 I have a call out to my OB just to run it by them. It stopped alot sooner than I thought considering I am on LDA for hx of pre-e.

But I wanted to ask you ladies on the board, if you too have had nosebleeds and is it a symptom of pregnancy?

I am thinking it's probably related to the cold weather and the air in the house being drier than usual because of the heat. A humidifier might do good at bed time! 

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