2nd Trimester

Maternal Instinct?

Is this my maternal insinct kicking in??

When my baby is born, this is how I would LIKE things to go.
-Baby is born in a hospital, the only person other than the doctors in the delivery room is my husband.
-Family can visit in small groups in the hospital.
-Go home. Stay home. Hide out with just my Hubby and my Baby.
I dont want visitors. I dont want to be bothered by constant phonecalls (Whos knows what kind of sleep ill get, dont call me! Ill call you!)
Do this for a month while we figure out a schedule and just bonding with baby alone.
Like, I think if someone shows up and wants to pick up and cuddle my new tiny baby I might loose it! Like, I just feel, dont come over, leave me alone, dont touch my baby, dont pick up my baby! I just want a few weeks ALONE with my baby and my husband in peace (or something like that).

Is this logical?! I just feel so protective of this child and baby isnt even here yet! I have this overwhealming sense of "this child is Mine."
Im also a super independant person by nature and want to do it alone with my husband and no other help unless I ask for it.
Am I crazy?

~?~ Chellezy ~?~ Daisypath Anniversary tickers PitaPata Cat tickers
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