Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Successful weaning from nipple shield?

Please share your experience. I've read the tips on Kellymom, but I'm not having success and I'd love to know what worked for you.  

DD has had weight gaining issues from the start. My nipples are kind of flat, but my LC and nurses at the hospital assured me they were mild and would be fine. The LC I visited okayed the shield because we just needed her to latch and feed to put on weight. She suggested I pump after 4-6 nursing sessions for 5-10 minutes in case it affected my supply. She said to use the shield and wean her at 2 weeks, but DD refuses anything I've tried to wean.

She's still not back and her birthweight and that coupled with the fact that I can't keep up with our marathon nursing sessions, pump, and take care of DS...I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I EPed for DS for 6 months because of his latching issues, and I feel like this is actually way more work. 

I've put in calls to LLL leaders and other LCs for help. I found out today our insurance doesn't cover consultations with LCs, so I can't keep paying for it out of pocket each time.  I'm at my wits end and wondering if it's worth it at this point.

Tell me how it worked for you, if it did, and that's it's not hopeless... 

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