2nd Trimester

DH is bored with our life

Okay so he did not say those actual words, but basically. He keeps saying how he is 'bored' and we 'never do anything'-I can't help but take it personally.

First off, I am pregnant. So I am tired! Not to mention I can't drink, so that makes a lot of nightlife choices a little less fun, IMO! Also, we have a 2.5 year old, and not a lot of reliable babysitters for options. Most of our friends are also pregnant and have little ones, so I suspect they are not doing much either. In addition, it is winter here...and I would prefer to bundle up on the couch and watch a movie/eat candy than get dressed up and go out. I told him if he wants to go out, go out with his friends cause I am tired of watching him mope, but he says he wants to hang out with ME...

And then there is the 'sex' issue. We are at about once a week...I really have ZERO interest, but give in because I feel bad/guilty. I can't help it-that is how I feel. I am a SAHM, so often I feel scrubby, have playdoh in my hair, or I am just tired and not feeling so hot.But he keeps wanting it, and I keep rejecting it. It makes it awkward...

I just feel like he is not happy right now, and I hate that I feel responsible! please tell me I am not alone!

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